Sawgrass Sublimation Printer SG500 and SG1000

sawgrass SG500 SG1000

There is a video presentation of the Sawgrass SG 500 printer available.

The Sawgrass SG500 and SG1000 sublimation printers are always in stock, as well as cartridges, paper, and many high-quality products for sublimation.

You can see the Sawgrass SG500 sublimation printer live at our location from Monday to Friday between 7 AM and 3 PM – please schedule your visit in advance via email..

For more information about the Sawgrass sublimation printers, inks, paper, and products, visit our online store.

For sublimation printing on mugs, you need:

– SG500 or SG1000

– heat press for mugs,

– paper (you receive 100 A4 sheets in the package when you purchase the printer, but you can also buy additional paper specifically for mugs),

heat-resistant adhesive tape,

– sublimation mugs: white,colored, with spoon,fluorescent.


You bought a Sawgrass sublimation printer. Now what?

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Sawgrass sublimation printers

You finally received your new Sawgrass sublimation system. You probably opened the box with great excitement, and maybe a bit of apprehension. Carefully you take the printer out of the box and place it on the table. It’s beautiful. But how do we make it print something beautiful? 🙂
No worries, the setup and basic settings for the Sawgrass printer are really easy. In fact, there are several ways you can do this.

If you are technically skilled and like to do everything yourself (mostly without even looking at the instructions), join Sawgrass Academy and check out our Video Training courses, where we describe everything from setting up the printer to making your first products.

If you prefer live instructions, you can connect with our technical team. Here: Sawgrass Setup sign up for a live meeting with our sublimation technical expert, who will call you and guide you through the entire process. Of course, all this is in English. If you’re not confident in your English, you can call us at Gajcom at 01 54 22 300 and schedule a phone call with Darinko

Whichever way you start, don’t delay. Using Sawgrass printers is very easy, and above all, you have to try it yourself – you can only earn money with it by actually using the equipment.

As for the business itself, we advise you to start by setting one of two strategies. The first strategy is to consider various products that you will print. Of course, do not choose just anything, as these products are not free. Decide on products that will help you tell an interesting story and that you also find interesting.

Choose the market that interests you. And now create some designs, which can include fictional names, captions… Think about what might interest your customers. And then print some samples. There doesn’t need to be many; seven is usually a good number. Be creative and above all, have fun creating. Include some photos and a lot of imagination. Make an impression on people!

The second strategy is more focused on productivity. If the products are not printed as you envisioned, write down all the details of the process. Save them for future attempts. Over time, you will acquire recipes for various products, which will represent great value for you.

Both strategies can be supported by our webinars – The Top 10 Mistakes That New Sublimators Make and How to Avoid Them. Sign up today.

After you have printed your first sample pieces, where you will learn how to sublimate, you will surely become best friends with the Sawgrass printer. And then the time comes to monetize your experience and equipment.

Check out our Premium Designs from Premier Artists. Here you will find hundreds of different themes you can use as a basis for your new business.

Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to the Sawgrass team. We at Gajcom are always happy to assist with any questions. You can find the products here.

In the name of Sawgrass, we welcome you, Jimmy Lamb

Follow us here and @SawgrassInk on FacebookInstagram and Pinterest!

Sawgrass – new version SPM Print Manager 10.0.4

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sawgrass updates – update gajcom 4-2021.png
What’s new?
  • SPM version 10.0.4 is the new version of Sawgrass Print Manager
  • It provides compatibility with SG500/SG1000 printers, which we expect to ship from May 1, 2021
  • For all printers, this version fixes some bugs and improves the user experience. Who needs it? We recommend SPM 10.0.4 to all users, but it is essential for users of SG500/SG1000 printers
  • All SG500/SG1000 printers will receive the required Ricoh firmware update, which takes into account both Apple and Microsoft’s system updates
  • Older versions of SPM will not work with printers shipped after May 1, 2021. Does this affect my colors? This version does not interfere with the printer’s color scheme and CreativeStudio
How does it work?
All SG500/SG1000 printers shipped after May 1, 2021, will have updates pre-installed.
Users will need version 10.0.4 to use the Print Manager with these printers
Users who do not have the new version 10.0.4 installed must install it themselves
• After you update SPM to version 10.0.4, Print Manager will perform a quick (2 – 3 minute) firmware update on existing SG500/SG1000 printers
When will it be available?
• April 30, 2021
How can users download the update?
• Download the SPM update from Sawgrass here:
When should users download the update?
• We recommend all users download the update as soon as possible.


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