Films for Textile Printing

Folije za tisk na tekstil

We present to you textile foils for creative unique clothing and textile products with a lot of imagination.

Printing with textile foils is the easiest solution for decorating textiles. For a perfect execution, you only need a cutter and a heat press..

Textile foil is made of polyurethane, with which you will qualitatively and above all durably print a wide range of textile products such as T-shirts, jackets, backpacks, bags, umbrellas, towels, etc. One could almost claim that printing is possible on everything you can imagine. The composition of the material can be diverse: cotton, polyester, lycra, nylon, and much more.

Foil for printing on textiles is suitable for hobby researchers as well as professional printers. It is available in 54 wonderful classic color shades and special effects (glitter, fluorescent shades, reflective and pearlescent effects, gold and silver color, etc.).

Gajcom PromaFlex tekstilne folije 01
Textile foils in various shades

What’s their advantage:

  • excellent coverage of dark textile colors,
  • more adhesive version is ideal for small letters,
  • exceptional elasticity,
  • constant stock in the Ljubljana warehouse,
  • excellent wash durability.

And enjoy printing!


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