Vinilstar silver is a vinyl/acrylic solvent-based ink for screen printing and pad printing on plastic, paper, and cardboard.
Due to its high pigmentation, the ink provides excellent coverage on both dark and transparent materials. It is extremely easy to print with and can be used directly from the original packaging.
Vinilstar achieves the best results due to its coverage; the printed ink exhibits a glossy silver finish with visible shimmering particles (gloss). It is a special product for high-quality printing on automatic, semi-automatic machines, and manual heads.
We recommend it for printing on almost all plastic and paper materials, aluminum, various metals, lacquered surfaces, and even for thermally formed products.
Recommended screen for printing:
> VINILSTAR SILVER HP 100: 100 (ink fineness 100 µ)
> VINILSTAR (NO-DUSTING) SILVER HP 180: max 180 threads/cm
Recommended emulsion: Screencoat WHD
Drying time for single-layer printed ink:
at room temperature 20°C / 30-40 min or in an oven at 40°C / around 60 seconds
Drying time for multi-layer printing or when using retarders:
at room temperature 20°C / 24 hours or in an oven at 60° – 70°C / around 60 minutes
Possibility of adding diluters or hardeners (10 – 30%) for better print durability on demanding materials.
The color is health-friendly, has a mild smell, and contains no added phthalates or silicone.