How to Choose the Right Film for DTF Printing?
DTF (Direct to Film) printing has become a popular method for transferring graphics or logos onto textiles due to its excellent flexibility, durability, and quality. A key component of this printing is choosing the right film, as this will directly impact the final result and quality of the transfers, the transfer process itself, and of course, the durability of the print on the products. It is important to select a film that allows for quick and easy transfer of your graphics onto products using a heat press. We have gathered some tips to help you choose the right film for your DTF projects.
In printing, we only switched the film. Printer 30cm Xp600 heads
Choosing the Right DTF Film is Important!
1. Consider the Type of Material You’re Printing On
DTF printing is suitable for a variety of materials, such as cotton, polyester, blended materials, and items like umbrellas, bags, jackets, and sports equipment. You can even print on wood, paper, cardboard, and many other materials. It is important to note that DTF is not suitable for materials sensitive to heat, such as silk and some other fabrics that cannot withstand higher temperatures. Always test before printing and choose another printing technique if necessary. You can ask us for advice.
2. Quality of DTF Film
The quality of the DTF film greatly influences the final quality of the print. The best films for DTF are those that provide a smooth and even surface for applying colors, allowing for vibrant colors and clear details. Check the thickness of the film and the smoothness of the surface, as these two factors will significantly impact the final quality and durability of the print.
DTF Film | Type of Coating | Peel Method | Emulsion on Film | Main Features | Note for Use |
Hanrun Paper | Hot Peel | Quick, hot peel | High ink absorption; very vibrant colors | High stability, allows printing of fine details and accurate color shades. | Recommended for projects requiring intensive coverage; ideal for resale or storage of transfers. |
TTS | Insta Peel | Instant, hot peel | Quickly absorbs ink and detailed elements | Allows high precision of fine details. No powder/glue residue. |
Recommended for demanding and quick printing; we recommend it primarily for personal use. |
Unity | Insta Peel | Instant, hot peel | Manj emulzije, Omogoča hitro sušenje in odlep, manjši nanos barve kot Hot Peel | Quick drying, slightly less color coverage – less ink application. | Suitable for fast production, reliable and stable in printing. |
Other Films | Various Types | Hot Peel/Cold Peel | various coatings | Typically less emulsion, which does not allow for more extensive ink applications, issues with application mainly Cyan. | Perfectly fine for fewer/less demanding projects |
At, a variety of matte DTF films are available, which enable fast production (hot or instant peel).
- Hanrun Paper je stabilen mat film, ki omogoča tisk drobnih detajlov in zelo pravilne barvne odtenke. Omogoča vroč, torej hiter odlep, gre za Hot Peel film. Počakamo 3-7sec. Nekateri tiskarji odlepijo takoj, drugi kako sekundo počakajo, tretji preslikač rahlo ohladijo in potem odlepijo … Zaradi svoje zanesljivosti je ta film idealna izbira, kadar tiskate preslikače za nadaljnjo prodajo ali poznejšo uporabo. Hot Peel premaz na filmu omogoča največji nanos barve, zato so s tem filmom preslikači bolj pokrivni in barve bolj intenzivne.
- DTF film TTS is slightly more sensitive, but precisely because of this, it gives exceptional results with finer details, as the adhesive only sticks to the color and there are no “satellites.” The peel is immediate. If you print yourself and want to achieve maximum vibrancy and precision of the print, this is the right choice for you.
- Film Unity je stabilen film za hitri (takojšen) odlep, torej Instant Peel. Omogoča hitro proizvodnjo, barve so precej intenzivne, obstojnost odlična. Ker premaz Instant Peel omogoča rahlo manjši nanos barve kot Hot Peel, bi ob direktni primerjavi opazili, da so preslikači z Unity filmom rahlo manj intenzivni, ampak razlike so komaj opazne.
Comparison with other DTF films
We have tested many different DTF films available on the market and conducted extensive comparative tests. So far, we have tested more than 10 different films. We are still getting new films for testing. In most of them, we notice that they play on the card of cheap production, but the price itself of the DTF film for printers is not decisive, as a lower price means more problems.
Končni testi, ki so bili pri naši izbiri odločilni, so bili izvedeni z DTF barvo Hanrun Paper. Opazili smo, da se filmi Hanrun Paper, TTS in Unity pri tisku obnašajo bistveno bolje v primerjavi z drugimi filmi.
In the films we currently have on offer, we noticed the following advantages, which were decisive for us:
- The foil does not warp and remains stable, even when printing large areas.
- There are no deformations or shifting of the foil during printing, which ensures accurate printing and fewer/no problems during printing.
- The results are consistent at the beginning, middle, and end of each roll, meaning there are no film errors that could cause printing issues.
- The colors are vibrant and accurate shades, which is especially important for those who want to achieve precise color reproductions. Of course, for each film, as well as for the ink, it makes sense to prepare a profile.
- We also noticed greater opacity, which means the films better cover the fabric surface, allowing for more pronounced graphics.
- Transfer to products is easier, faster, and virtually error-free during transfers, meaning there are no product rejections due to poor transfers.
The field of DTF printing is rapidly expanding, improving, and certainly changing. Tests were conducted until the end of 2024.
Some irregularities can be rectified by creating an ICC profile, but unfortunately not the thickness of the application.
5. Resistance and Durability of DTF Prints
Zelo pomembno je izbrati film, ki zagotavlja, da bo tisk trpežen in odporen na obrabo, še posebej, če bodo izdelki, potiskani z vašimi preslikači, izpostavljeni pogostemu pranju ali intenzivni uporabi. Hanrun Paper, TTS in Unity filmi ponujajo odlično odpornost potiskanih grafik na obrabo in pranje, saj zagotavljata, da bo vaša grafika dolgo časa ohranila svojo kakovost in barvitost. Pri testiranju smo opazili, da ima film bolj pomembno vlogo pri obstojnosti in kakovosti odtisov kot sama barva.
6. Ease of Transfer
The speed and simplicity of transferring a graphic or logo onto a product are key factors in DTF printing from a time-saving perspective and consequently the final service price. With the right film, your graphic will be quickly and accurately transferred onto the product using a heat press. Our films enable easy and smooth transfer without issues such as bubbles or wrinkling. This means saving time and ensuring that printed products always look professional.
7. Adjusting to Temperature and Pressure
In DTF printing, it is crucial that the film reacts appropriately to various temperatures and pressures used in heat treatment. Choose a film that works well at the recommended settings of your heat press and allows for smooth transfer without errors.
Izbira pravega filma za DTF tiskanje je ključnega pomena za doseganje vrhunskih rezultatov. Ne pozabite upoštevati materiala, kakovosti filma, njegove trpežnosti in enostavnosti uporabe. Z mat filmi, kot so Hanrun Paper, Unity in TTS, boste zagotovili eleganten in prefinjen videz vaše grafike ter hiter in natančen prenos na izdelke. Testiranje različnih možnosti vam bo omogočilo, da najdete najboljšo rešitev za vaše specifične potrebe. Z natančno izbranim filmom boste lahko ustvarili čudovite in dolgotrajne tiskane grafike ali logotipe, ki bodo primerni tudi za bolj zahtevne izdelke, kot so dežniki, torbe, jakne in športna oprema.